Casey and The Monster (draft title) is a work in progress webcomic being made by fuzzytrashbird.Though, calling it a "work in progress" is kind of a stretch, as it's still being concepted.


Around 120 years ago, a man appeared in a village full of magic users. Upon arriving, the man was accused of being a monster for his appearance and was immediately sealed away in a nearby forest where he couldn't hurt anyone. The strongest sorcerer assigned the non-magic using family to watch over the 'monster' and keep him as content as possible, just in case he could escape.
This was, of course, just an excuse for if the magic was not enough to keep the 'monster' sealed away. They did not care if the 'monster' killed the family. Not knowing this, the family watched over the 'monster', feeding him, and making sure he never escaped.
However, there was a massacre. Everyone not in the family assigned to keep watch of the 'monster' died, leaving the village empty. The family assumed the 'monster' had caused this by simply being there, as there had been no 'warning' other than its arrival. They began to fear the 'monster', giving him food to try to keep the peace as best as possible without letting him out. They were terrified of what would happen if they let him out...

...Now, years later, the family remains in the village, having taken up numerous houses. They do not dare leave the area out of fear of the 'monster' becoming enraged and killing them off too, or whatever the old legend says. Really, no one but the eldest of the family has any clue what the legend is about, and no one has seen the monster in a couple generations. At this point, it's just a family tradition.
Though some of them genuinely fear the potential being in the forest outside, none are quite as afraid of it as Casey.


Casey O'neil

A 30 year old man with generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, agoraphobia, and PTSD. He has a fear of dying caused by a near death experience as a child, but when everything piles up, something in him breaks.

The 'Monster'

Called a "monster" for his appearance, he was immediately sealed away in the forest after showing up. What a warm welcome.

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